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Design Guide to Selections of Fixtures and Finishes ♡

$37.00 USD

You finally signed the papers and you're SO excited when your contractor hands you the list of things you need to select for this project that you have been dreaming about for ages.
The list is long but you jump right in and start finding the things that make your heart skip a beat. But once you get several items in you start to wonder "Is THIS going to look right with THAT?"
And, "What do I really want to commit to for flooring here?"
And, "Will these paint colors flow from room to room the way I want it to?"
And the worst feeling is when you notice the budget keeps creeping up higher and higher from upgrades.
You don't have to compromise your style to get a home that will be timeless and feel up to date. You just have to know where to spend and where to save. You may have to postpone some indulgent wants to get your needs that will work well with those future splurges. You'll have to know which fixtures and finishes will have longevity and which will be the star of the room. How you approach that long list is the trick to getting what you want in the budget that you've set.
When designing a space there is a method to managing the budget and an order to choosing the Furnishings, Fixtures and Finishes. Every project is unique but the process is the same.
This roadmap will show you the way…
​​Can’t wait for you to dive in!
Enjoy every moment!

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